
Showing posts from January, 2011

23 January 2011

Well... So now I'm officially 35.  It was a great birthday.  I was woke up by Karah coming in my room to snuggle me.  Then she crept out and then Tessa made me breakfast in bed.  It was yummy... Then I received a snowflake crown from Karah (who crowned me the snowflake queen for my birthday).  Sammie gave me a book she made at school.  Then I opened the present from Pops, a necklace I really liked. Jim gave me the best present... He made me go out for a ski.  I was debating staying home and doing schoolwork and spending time with the family.  Jim made me go and I'm so glad he did.  I skiid for two hours.  Got right out in the middle of nowhere... spend a little time communing with God.  Thanking him for all of the blessing in my life...  I seem to do that best when I'm out in nature.  Love being out there... Came home and spent some time with my girls and then took Karah to a birthday party at an arena.  She loved ...

5 January 2011

So happy the girls are back in school!!!!  Means Mommy can get back on track.  I fully admit that I let them consume me when they are with me.  I always put them first... add to that the car issues and I haven't been to the gym since school let out for Christmas.  I have done some exercises around the house but I miss Spin class... Did I really just type that???  I did.  I didn't get to go to spin yesterday because I was waiting on a repairman here at the house.  It ended up keeping me from volunteering and going to study group today too.  They are done with those repairs but nothing is scheduled for the rest of it.  I'm gonna have to call the builders tomorrow and find out when they are fixing the carpet and checking the septic... Tomorrow I will go to spin in the morning and then make that phone call.  Tessa is coming down with an ear infection and needs to go get antibiotics but she wants to go on the Honor Roll field trip so she w...


How weird it is to write that... Up waiting for the kids to drift off, but have been doing a lot of thinking.  This poem is the result for tonight anyway.... Straining, squinting, struggling through the fog of my mind puzzle pieces, fragments and dreams Fact or fiction or combo pieces whose truth do I find... misshapen puzzles close the door a nudge, a crack it opens wide again. Twisted by time or polished like a gem Middle ground picking through the pieces sifting for silver bits and pieces to carry on Trash the rest close the door, wedge it brace it, make it stronger Key to the lock just waiting for a memory. hn