Quiet time....
Quiet time is something I crave. A few minutes here or there where it's just me, no noise and no distractions. For everyone this time looks like something different..... Lately for me it looks like this My alarm goes off at an ungodly hour so that I can start my day. I let the dogs out, poke the teen to get her started and turn on the coffee pot. I brew that first lovely cup of coffee. Then I get my coffee, and my bible and go sit on the couch. I take a few minutes to pray and ask God to help me see what he wants me to see in the bible. I thank him for my blessings and open up to whichever chapter I am studying. If my teen is up, sometimes I read it out loud (she asks me to sometimes) sometimes I don't. I don't turn on the TV, check the internet or anything else before I get this quiet time.... I always start out with one chapter in the old testament, one psalm, the days proverb, and one chapter in the new testament. I get sid...