
Showing posts from January, 2016

Trying my best..........

This is going to be a real, honest, and painful post. If you aren't up for it, don't read on. I'm failing as a mother. No, I don't mean that I'm not a good Mom, or I don't love my kids because I do and I know that I am a good Mom. But that doesn't change the hurt and pain I am currently feeling in my heart because of the struggles my kids are going through. My teen, the wonderful girl who made me a Mom, is struggling with generalized anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. She is struggling, and at the moment she is losing that battle. She goes to counseling weekly (some weeks twice a week), she takes her medicine and yet she's not getting better. Some days we get a glimpse of our smiling happy girl.... but not often.  Most days it seems like she is getting worse. She feels like a failure because she can't do what other kids her age are doing.... most days now she can't even bring herself to leave the house. She was switched to onlin...

Wow... Over a Year has passed

I haven't been on my blog in forever.... Not sure anyone still reads it. A quick update and explanation on what happened, where did I dissapear to you ask? GRAD SCHOOL!  I am working hard on earning my degree as a Family Nurse Practitioner, this on top of the busy life of Mom and Army Wife has made me scarce.  That being said I'm going to try and do better about blogging ;0 Maybe once a week or so if possible. We shall see what happens?  Anyone out there?