So I'm telling you right now, this one is gonna be a real one. If you are not an adult, or if you don't want to get personal, close on out right now. If you want to be real scroll down . . . . . . . . Still here? Okay, girl what has happened to your passion. I'm not talking about sex, although ladies that IS coming in a future post. I mean passion. What gets you all fired up? What REALLY matters to you? If your knee jerk answer is your kids, your spouse, etc.... that's okay. You can be passionate about them. I have some great friends whose passion is their kids. There is nothing wrong with that at all, especially if they are little. That being said, you better keep looking because if you invest all your passion into your kiddos, what do you do when they grow up???? Right now, that might be hard to contemplate. You have a kid hanging off you day and night, Mommy please look at me, do this with me, make me food! I don't like this food, etc etc.... Bu...