
So I'm telling you right now, this one is gonna be a real one. If you are not an adult, or if you don't want to get personal, close on out right now. If you want to be real scroll down

Still here?  Okay, girl what has happened to your passion. I'm not talking about sex, although ladies that IS coming in a future post. I mean passion.
What gets you all fired up?
What REALLY matters to you?

If your knee jerk answer is your kids, your spouse, etc.... that's okay. You can be passionate about them. I have some great friends whose passion is their kids. There is nothing wrong with that at all, especially if they are little. That being said, you better keep looking because if you invest all your passion into your kiddos, what do you do when they grow up????

Right now, that might be hard to contemplate. You have a kid hanging off you day and night, Mommy please look at me, do this with me, make me food! I don't like this food, etc etc....

But let me promise you the day will come....  when they are in High School, or maybe not until they leave for college but it will come. When you can't live for them and through them. Now, we all know these Mom's. They invest every bit of energy and joy and passion into making sure little Johnny excels at whatever (let's say basketball). They pay for extra coaching, competitive league teams, extra sessions etc.... They go to EVERY game, tournament etc.... They are all about that life.
This is good, in fact it is excellent for little Johnny, he knows Mom (or Dad because let's be real that happens too) is in his corner and will always cheer him on.

Except, now Johnny is out the door. He picked a college and it's not the one that lets him stay home under your roof. It's far enough away that you can't make it to every game, you can only root him on from a distance. All of the hours and energy you spent on Johnny are suddenly free.... and you, if you haven't been careful are lost.

You have no idea what to do with all that time, energy and passion. You invested it in him, and he loves you for it but now what. You can't go to college with him, you won't get to talk to him every day so what do you do with all that time.....  This is where empty nest syndrome comes from. Without little Johnny at home, you don't know what to do.

Now some of you have Jane at home, so when little Johnny leaves, you just shift your attention to Jane and her dreams, ambitions (or yours for her). But eventually she's gone too. It's just you, and your significant other (if you have one).

So ladies please, don't invest every bit of your heart and soul into your kids. Make them your passion, absolutely 100% be there to cheer them on, stand behind them, lift them up when they have a bad day etc.....  but, find your passion too.

Find your tribe of ladies to go on Lady Hikes with, have a glass of wine with, laugh, cry, bitch and moan with. They are out there. They will be the ones who sustain you when little Johnny makes you want to pull out your hair, or little Jane says she hates you (yes, those words do happen).
As Jane, Johnny, Mitch, Susie etc grow up... these people help you keep your passions alive.

Find that passion, is it painting? Reading? Running? Maybe it's writing, cooking, decorating????
Figure out what it is and spend time pursuing it.

There is enough time in life for you to be the Passionate and loving parent, while still being passionate about what matters to you!


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