Happy New Year

I get to kick off the New Year by seeing my best friend.  I cannot wait...  She is preggers and I haven't ever seen her that way before.  Then tonight I get to hang out with my SIL (also one of my best friends) before heading back to MO to Jim. Kind of nice to ring in the New Year with my best friends.

He has been working hard on stuff around the house and is looking forward to surprising me with the progress he has made.  It will be nice to see him again.  We are working on keeping that spark alive, so date night will be reinstated this month.  Good thing T is old enough to babysit her sisters now.

I remember when the year 2010 seemed like it was impossibly far into the future and now it's here.  It is the year we are living in, and I wonder what this new year will bring. 
Ah well... off to load the dishwasher and washing machine before I load the kids in the car to leave. 
Gonna go see my best friend and tomorrow I get to go home.


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