Nursing School Break...

and I am loving it.  Doing decent on my daily bible reading, not perfect but consistent.

Deep cleaned the living room today, all those nooks and crannies and dusting no one else bothers to do.  Decorated the outside railing in front of the house, set up an online calender thing.

Now for the crazy, insane part....
I have decided to register for the Hospital Hill Half Marathon in Kansas City in June.  Ever since I had my surgery I have wanted to start running and ultimately run a marathon.  Started training for a 5k about a week before nursing school started.  That was a mistake, no time to set a routine before my schedule went crazy....

Decided since I have the next 6 weeks off school (well nursing school anyway) I have time to establish a habit of running...

Tied my shoes on today... and while it was a pathetic run for anyone who runs I'm proud of myself anyway.  Went out for about 15 min total with 30/30 intervals as my plan.  I made it for about 10 min at 30/30 intervals and then walked the last 5.  I couldn't do anymore running intervals cause my legs felt like jelly.  It's a good place to start though.  I have PLENTY of time to work up to the 13 miles.  As a side note, my goal isn't to run the whole 13 miles (although if I do that is great)... my goal is just to FINISH.

I also signed on for a 100 push up a day challenge for the month of December, you can break them up into segments so you will see me doing lots of push ups this month.  Here's to the month of December... lots of time to focus on the things I have been neglecting due to nursing school.... :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Found a 4mile run on my birthday in January, and a 10k in April, now to find the money to enter these races... :)

  3. You should see what Jolean is doing too. Maybe she can meet up with you at some of the runs :o)


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