Almost Texas....

So... it's Wednesday and I leave for Texas on Friday.  I cannot wait!  However having said that I have a ton of stuff to get done today.
I promised Sammie that she could wear her St. Patricks day outfit to school tomorrow.  Which means, I have to finish it today!  I tried to do the skirts yesterday and messed the first one up, so I am starting over today.

My goal, do an hour of straightening after the girls get out the door and then head to the sewing area.  Hopefully I can keep Karah occupied and get both outfits done today, along with Jen's slipcovers.  I figure if not, the sewing machine will go in the van with me to Texas. 

Things otherwise are good....  need to call Maryland today and find out why my transcript is not here at Lincoln.  I will lose it if I miss the application deadline to nursing because they can't get my transcript done.

Ahh well, time to wake the munchkins


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