
Showing posts from October, 2010

Could have been a bad morning

but God is good!  I got very little sleep last night (something like 4 hours I think), no idea why just couldn't get there.  I think I was stewing over my grade a bit (B but less than class average).  So regardless I woke up this morning just feeling blah!  I was seriously considering going back to bed as soon as I put the girls on the bus.  Decided to drink my coffee and have my quiet time with God so I didn't rip anyone's head off if they got up grouchy and I'm so glad I did. I will admit that although my crosswalk devotions this morning were good, they really didn't speak that much to me (I'm sure it was a mindset thing).  I read my Psalm and my proverb, finished up James and read in Esther.  Still didn't feel all that moved by the spirit and something led me to flip to Titus.  I read Titus 2 again (it's been awhile) and I was moved.  I want to be that young pure wife (although I think I'm starting to cross the line to that older wiser w...

Monday, Monday

What a glorious fall morning it is!  I look out my window at the beautiful reds, golds, browns and greens of the trees in my backyard.  This wonderous picture that only God can create and feel truly blessed. I read today in Esther and James, and of course my daily readings in Psalms and Proverbs.  I take away simply a sense of peace today and thankfulness for all God has blessed me with, from Jim, to the girls, to providing all of my needs. My plan today is to be thankful for everything, even the challenges that are thrown in my way.  Sounds simple I know, but to get through the day with nothing but thankfulness could be a challenge especially since the girls are home today (no school). May you see the beauty around you today and Thank God for it.

Struggling this morning...

Well, Thank you Jesus for the Reminder this morning of why I don't sleep in.... I am trying to do my bible study, Reading in Ephesians this morning and the girls have interrupted no less than 10 times in 10 verses.  Gonna continue on Ephesians 6 24   Grace  be with  all   those  who  love  our  Lord   Jesus   Christ with  incorruptible  love. Isn't that a beautiful verse... Think about that incorruptible love, that's how God loves us, it's unconditional and incorruptible.  Think about focusing your love of Jesus on his greatness and wonderfulness.  Praising him for all that he does in us, through us and for us:  Instead of that laundry list of God do this that or the other thing for me and then I will be faithful, believe etc...    "Desire realized is sweet to the soul" (Prov. 13:19) Oh how true that verse is as well, How wonderful do we feel when we accomplish a task we have set for ourse...

Yes, I'm still alive

Lost the link to my own blog for awhile... how crazy is that! Feeling truly blessed tonight in my girls and Jim.  We went to the pumpkin patch tonight and had a great family time even though there was a small amount of drama when I said it was time to go. :) I have been working hard at getting back into the habit of reading my bible in the mornings...  My days go so much better when I take that time for myself in the morning. Felt very convicted this morning though... I do not do a good job letting Jim be the head of our household.  I am so used to being the one in charge since the Army takes him away so much.  I need to work harder at letting him be the head and submitting my will to him. My favorite verses for today Ephesians 5:22-33 There are many more, but every section of the bible I opened to today referred to marital relations and letting the Man lead and the Wife submit and follow.  There is a message for me there and Lord, I heard it loud and clea...