Could have been a bad morning
but God is good! I got very little sleep last night (something like 4 hours I think), no idea why just couldn't get there. I think I was stewing over my grade a bit (B but less than class average). So regardless I woke up this morning just feeling blah! I was seriously considering going back to bed as soon as I put the girls on the bus. Decided to drink my coffee and have my quiet time with God so I didn't rip anyone's head off if they got up grouchy and I'm so glad I did. I will admit that although my crosswalk devotions this morning were good, they really didn't speak that much to me (I'm sure it was a mindset thing). I read my Psalm and my proverb, finished up James and read in Esther. Still didn't feel all that moved by the spirit and something led me to flip to Titus. I read Titus 2 again (it's been awhile) and I was moved. I want to be that young pure wife (although I think I'm starting to cross the line to that older wiser w...