Struggling this morning...

Well, Thank you Jesus for the Reminder this morning of why I don't sleep in....
I am trying to do my bible study, Reading in Ephesians this morning and the girls have interrupted no less than 10 times in 10 verses.  Gonna continue on
Ephesians 6
24 Grace be with all those who love our Lord Jesus Christwith incorruptible love.

Isn't that a beautiful verse... Think about that incorruptible love, that's how God loves us, it's unconditional and incorruptible.  Think about focusing your love of Jesus on his greatness and wonderfulness.  Praising him for all that he does in us, through us and for us:  Instead of that laundry list of God do this that or the other thing for me and then I will be faithful, believe etc...  

 "Desire realized is sweet to the soul" (Prov. 13:19) Oh how true that verse is as well, How wonderful do we feel when we accomplish a task we have set for ourselves.  Follow through on things, do them with a fullness of spirit and as a means to glorify God.  Remember that every task you complete in this life is a service to someone, yourself, your kids, your husband, etc... Remember to complete those tasks just as if you were completing them for God.  Let it be a joy to serve others and enjoy the sweetness of a job well done.

Now on to my reading in Esther today, I was reminded of how Esther (and all the other virgins of course) took a full year to ready themselves to meet their husbands, yet how often do I take the time to prepare myself to see my husband?  I don't take time to make sure I'm ready to greet Jim when he comes home.... How much nicer would things be if I took a little time at the end of each day to ready myself for Jim's return home?  Straightening my hair and making sure that I look nice for him, singing a song of praise to return my peace if I am frazzled, Praying about having a right attitude to great him with.

The other things that struck me today while doing my bible study in James 2 and in Proverbs 22 were the verses about tongues and the damage they can do.  James is so right, how often do we bless one person with our tongue and praise God, and then moments later curse another?  Guard my tongue God, help me to only speak blessings and love...

Bless you today my friends


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