Yes, I'm still alive

Lost the link to my own blog for awhile... how crazy is that!
Feeling truly blessed tonight in my girls and Jim.  We went to the pumpkin patch tonight and had a great family time even though there was a small amount of drama when I said it was time to go. :)

I have been working hard at getting back into the habit of reading my bible in the mornings...  My days go so much better when I take that time for myself in the morning.
Felt very convicted this morning though... I do not do a good job letting Jim be the head of our household.  I am so used to being the one in charge since the Army takes him away so much.  I need to work harder at letting him be the head and submitting my will to him.
My favorite verses for today Ephesians 5:22-33
There are many more, but every section of the bible I opened to today referred to marital relations and letting the Man lead and the Wife submit and follow.  There is a message for me there and Lord, I heard it loud and clear.

Father God,
Help me to be the type of wife you intend for me to be.  Help me to model our marriage after Ephesians 5 and Proverbs 31.  Help Jim and I to model a Godly marriage for our girls so that when the time comes for them to marry and they meet the man whom you are already preparing to be their mate they can greet him with open arms and the knowledge of what marriage is about.  Thank you Father for this reminder of what marriage should be like and thank you for giving me such a loving man as my partner.


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