Could have been a bad morning

but God is good!  I got very little sleep last night (something like 4 hours I think), no idea why just couldn't get there.  I think I was stewing over my grade a bit (B but less than class average).  So regardless I woke up this morning just feeling blah!  I was seriously considering going back to bed as soon as I put the girls on the bus.  Decided to drink my coffee and have my quiet time with God so I didn't rip anyone's head off if they got up grouchy and I'm so glad I did.

I will admit that although my crosswalk devotions this morning were good, they really didn't speak that much to me (I'm sure it was a mindset thing).  I read my Psalm and my proverb, finished up James and read in Esther.  Still didn't feel all that moved by the spirit and something led me to flip to Titus.  I read Titus 2 again (it's been awhile) and I was moved.  I want to be that young pure wife (although I think I'm starting to cross the line to that older wiser woman :)  ).  Something moved in my spirit and I began to wake up and praise...

Woke up the girls about 15 min later and the morning was so wonderful, no dramas no fighting, just up and ready for school.  I went ahead and got about the business of being Mom, went to the grocery store etc...

Thank you God for being so good to us, and reminding us of the people you want us to be!

For those of you interested here is the section I was referring to today...

3 Older women likewise are to be reverent in their behaviornot malicious gossips nor enslaved to much wine,teaching what is good, 4 so that they may encourage the young womento love their husbands, to love their children, 5 to be sensiblepure,workers at homekind, being subject to their own husbandsso that theword of God will not be dishonored.


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