New Day...

I have decided to revamp my blog in case you haven't noticed...  I have been sharing my recipes on facebook for awhile and decided that this was just as easy.  So I will be posting pictures and recipes on here as I come up with them, adapt them or try them.  I will try to have guest posters occasionally as well (for example my good friend Brenda is looking to adapt some of them for diabetics).  Feel free to comment on whatever you like and if you want to post a recipe that if just fine too.
I will be focusing on Freezer meals right now, I'm trying to get my freezer loaded up with easy meals and back to school lunch and breakfast ideas.

Right this minute I have Lemon Basil Chicken in my Crock Pot, ozark apple pudding in my oven and the ingredients for my homemade pop tart experiment sitting here waiting for me to give it a go.  Follow along with me


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