Homemade Breakfast Pockets

So my oldest loves breakfast Hot-Pockets, she would eat them or something like them every single school morning if she could.  I love that they are so quick for her in the morning and if I keep them in the freezer I know that she will actually eat before school.  With school starting in a few weeks I decided to try my luck at making a version of them at home.  My goals were to save money, and to make them a little healthier.  Now I will say that if I had taken the time to make my own homemade sausage and pizza dough crust it would have saved even more money but spent more time.  Some days I feel like making things from scratch, today was not one of those days...  So my ingredients were
  • 1 lb pork breakfast sausage
  • 1 dozen eggs
  • 1 large spoonful of sour cream (sorry I didn't think to measure)
  • a large glug of milk (eyeball it in your scrambled eggs)
  • salt and pepper to taste
  • dash of tabasco
  • shredded cheddar cheese (2 large handfuls)
  • thin crust pizza dough
Now today I made the scrambled eggs and sausage for breakfast before church.  I heated up my big ol cast iron skillet (I LOVE cast iron skillets, I may even create a whole blog post about cast iron and it's uses and how to care for them) and once it was warm (medium heat) I added the pork sausage.  I broke it up with my spatula and browned the meat till it was cooked through.  While it was cooking I grabbed a bowl and added 11 eggs to the bowl,  then a added a large spoonful of sour cream, a glug of milk (sorry I have never in my life measured the milk I added to make scrambled eggs... I just add till the ratio looks right) and some seasoning.  I then added a couple of splashes of tabasco and whisked it all together.  When the sausage was done cooking through I turned my skillet heat down to medium low, then I poured in the eggs.  I used my spatula to lift the sausage and allow the eggs to run underneath.  When they were almost cooked I sprinkled all that yummy cheddar cheese to the top (use more or less as you like).  When they were good and set up (don't leave them wet or it will cause problems later) I served them up to the kids before church and then put the rest in a bowl in the fridge.  After church I turned my oven on to 350.  Then I got my ingredients back out of the fridge.
I rolled out the pizza crust on some waxed paper and then cut it into 6 sections.  I brushed a beaten egg white on the crust and then mounded some of the egg mixture on one side of the dough.
Then I folded the dough over the top and rolled the edges to seal them.
Then I used a fork to poke a few steam vent holes in the top crust.  I put them on a foil lined baking sheet and popped them in the oven.  I baked them for 20 min (adjust times based on your oven) and then pulled them out.  Put them on a cooling rack to cool and waited 5 min to try one. 
I thought they were great, and more importantly my daughter said they were too.  I might try adding a slice of cheese to the top of the egg mixture next time because she said she would like more cheese.  I'm going to wrap them in waxed paper once they cool and then put them in a freezer bag to store.
For school morning I will have her either put it in the toaster oven or the microwave and reheat it.

The pop tarts I mentioned on Facebook were also made today, but they stuck to the tinfoil (discovered I was out of parchment paper).  I will post that recipe later on in the week...

Coming this week.... Lemon Basil Chicken in the Crockpot, Ozark Apple Pudding (ie cake), Pop-tarts and whatever else I decide to whip up


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