Cheat Dinner

Well, most of you follow me on facebook so you are aware that I have been out of commission for a week.  For those of you that don't know... I haven't posted because I have been at Children's Hospital with my middle daughter.  She's going to be fine Thank God.  We got home last night and ate pizza for dinner.  Today I'm still exhausted (can't imagine why).  So I'm going with a cheat meal... that means I'm using some canned ingredients and some frozen ingredients to throw together a dinner for my girls.  It takes almost no effort, but it is still yummy.

Easy Minestrone Soup

  • 2 cans minestrone soup
  • 3 cans water
  • 2 packets of beef flavor boost (swanson... it's what I have)
  • 2 cans beans
  • 2 cans rotel
  • 2 packets of frozen pre-cooked italian hamburger meat
  • 1 can of mixed veggies
  • 1 can of mushroom pieces
  • 1 bag of small shell noodles
Combine all the ingredients except the pasta in a large soup pan.  Add seasonings if you think it needs some.  Bring to a simmer and cover and cook on low as long as you like.  Mine will simmer till the girls are ready for dinner.  About 10 min before you want to eat bring it to a boil, add the shells and let cook.  Once they are cooked serve.

I'm serving it tonight sprinkled with Parmesan cheese and corn bread.  If you are confused by the frozen pre-cooked meat let me explain.  Every so often when I see ground beef on sale I purchase a bunch.  I saute onions, peppers and garlic and brown up the meat.  Then I freeze it in 2 cup portions for when I need precooked meat (spaghetti, soup, etc...).  I do the same thing except adding black beans, corn and green chilis for mexican spiced meat.  It saves me time and makes things easy when I'm exhausted.


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