Recipe free day....

My plan for today was to share the yummy lettuce wraps that I cooked for dinner last night...  Except, they weren't all that yummy.
The girls did eat them without drama, which is always nice but the recipe needs some tweaking (or maybe a whole new recipe who knows) before I share.

Today's plan includes Banana Hotdogs (A new breakfast food we are trying, banana on hot dog bun with peanut butter and jelly), sandwiches for lunch and homemade pizza for dinner.  Nothing new to share there either. 

We have been prepping for back to school this week (have I mentioned how happy I am that school starts Tuesday) so I have been doing some stockpile cooking.  I made a huge pot of Minestrone soup on Wednesday and froze it in individual servings for after school snacks or lunch.  My oldest loves soup for snack and I would rather she have a nice healthy bowl of Minestrone then a package of Ramen.  I hit up Sam's club and stocked up on baked chips, fruit leather, granola bars etc...

We had meet the teacher yesterday for the younger two and the girls are all very excited about it.  I think both of their teachers are nice but I'm a little worried (okay, well a LOT worried) about  whether or not they are going to be challenged.  I am reminding myself that God has this in control.  Everything about this move has been God directed and I have felt that peace so I have to remember he has this too.  If it doesn't work out at the school I can always homeschool them.  We shall see what happens with that.

I'm sure I have bored you enough for today.... What are you doing for school prep meal wise?


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