Happy New Year... Almost

Hello to those of you that follow my blog, although there are a few of you (especially since I'm SO inconsistent with blogging)....
The New Year is bringing some changes to our home... I start my graduate program to become a Nurse Practitioner so I will be busy with that as well as work and Momdom.

I have decided that in an effort to improve our overall health and mood I'm going to make some dietary changes in the household.  I'm going to convert to as much whole food/ gluten free food as I can.  I expect some protest amongst the masses so it will be a slow and gradual change over.  I have some definite carb and sugar lovers in my house and the kids think Pasta is a must several days a week.... 

As I try out recipes I will share them with you and how they were received here...  For now, I'm researching and gathering recipes :) 

I hope that you enjoy your New Year's Eve celebrations tonight :)


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