Life Moves On....

Today in a search for a recipe I decided to revisit my blog.... and realized I haven't posted on here since spring. Life moves on.... We still have our good days and bad days. Some better and some worse.... Things have stabilized and gone crazy all at the same time.
Our eldest has graduated High School! We are proud of her, and about to miss her a lot.  She is moving out in a few weeks to live with her Grandmother in Missouri. Then she will start community college down there in the spring.
We are working on our paperwork for our next PCS (military move for those non-military who follow us).  As of right now the plan is to move to the lovely isle of Oahu! We have been trying to get stationed there since Jim joined the Army 18 years ago.... How fitting that unless something changes, it will be our last assignment before Jim retires.
I am about to start my final semester of grad school and then there will be some freedom in my life....

But, none of you follow me for all of that, you follow me for my cooking and cleaning suggestions. Today I'm working on my grocery list and meal plan. This weeks dinner plan is revisiting a blog post from years ago and making my Sloppy Joes :)  Feel free to look at the old blog and I will try yet again to post more frequently


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