The one constant in ife is change.....

Changing plans.... as always. We have said all along that if Sammie wanted to stay and graduate with her friends we would. She has been adamant that she didn't want too.....

That being said, now that her anxiety is being managed with medication she is finally settling in and realizing she has friends and that life is good here. She still thinks her school sucks.... but she doesn't want to leave her friends. So it looks like we will be staying in the Pacific Northwest for a few more years.....  at least as of right now. Add in that Karah is saying that if she stays here for Freshman and Sophmore year she will want to graduate here too. Who knows what the future will bring.

Just proves that nothing in life is ever definitive. I still wish I was closer to my oldest and the family, but just as we discussed staying in Kenosha for Tess to graduate, we will give the same option to my girls here. If they want to stay, stay we will.

So for now who knows.....


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