
Showing posts from 2019

Take a Breath

Hello my friend.... Where's your head at today? Are you smiling? or are you crying silently inside? Are you silently beating yourself up? All too often we spend time beating ourselves up because we are holding ourselves to some impossible standard. Stop Take a breath! Whose standard are you measuring yourself by?  WHY do you think you need to be perfect? Honey check yourself... there is not ONE person on earth who is perfect!!! We ALL screw up!  We ALL fall down, fail and don't always manage to do the million things on our plates!  Things get missed, it's life. This is the nature of life. To rise and fall... just like a roller coaster. There are enough people in life who are going to tear you down, don't be one of them! All too often we expect more from ourselves than anyone else will. We have this expectation that we need to be the perfect parent, whose children are succeeding despite life's obstacles and it's our job to ensure this. Then wh...


So I'm telling you right now, this one is gonna be a real one. If you are not an adult, or if you don't want to get personal, close on out right now. If you want to be real scroll down . . . . . . . . Still here?  Okay, girl what has happened to your passion. I'm not talking about sex, although ladies that IS coming in a future post. I mean passion. What gets you all fired up? What REALLY matters to you? If your knee jerk answer is your kids, your spouse, etc.... that's okay. You can be passionate about them. I have some great friends whose passion is their kids. There is nothing wrong with that at all, especially if they are little. That being said, you better keep looking because if you invest all your passion into your kiddos, what do you do when they grow up???? Right now, that might be hard to contemplate. You have a kid hanging off you day and night, Mommy please look at me, do this with me, make me food! I don't like this food, etc etc.... Bu...

Finding My Voice.... and my story

Who are you?  For those of you who saw the video of me speaking last weekend, this is going to be a bit of a repeat. Yes, I did it, I actually stood up in front of a crowd and spoke. My good friends will know how rare that is for me, because I have a fear of public speaking :)  A friend of ours, named Kristin has a great foundation to support military wives. To see what she's all about check out her website  Northwest Military Wives Last weekend, they had a foundraiser to raise money for a retreat for military wives. They decided to honor me at the event and she asked me to speak.  Now, when she first invited me to speak I thought, no big deal I can talk about  Jimmy's Walk . I thought his cross-country walk to raise awareness for Veterans Mental Health issues was why she asked me to speak. I thought,sure I can talk about him. I hate speaking, but I love my husband and I do support what he is passionate about.  She said.... no Heather, we w...