Take a Breath

Hello my friend....

Where's your head at today?

Are you smiling? or are you crying silently inside?

Are you silently beating yourself up?

All too often we spend time beating ourselves up because we are holding ourselves to some impossible standard.
Take a breath!

Whose standard are you measuring yourself by?  WHY do you think you need to be perfect?
Honey check yourself... there is not ONE person on earth who is perfect!!!

We ALL screw up!  We ALL fall down, fail and don't always manage to do the million things on our plates!  Things get missed, it's life.

This is the nature of life. To rise and fall... just like a roller coaster.

There are enough people in life who are going to tear you down, don't be one of them! All too often we expect more from ourselves than anyone else will.

We have this expectation that we need to be the perfect parent, whose children are succeeding despite life's obstacles and it's our job to ensure this. Then when they are struggling, or not doing as well as WE think they should be we decide we are failing as parents.

But we aren't! Your child is sheltered, fed and clothed. Are they struggling at school? Okay, so that's part of life. Struggle... help them of course, but also help them realize it's normal to struggle sometimes. Some butthead being a bully on the playground, help them get help at school for this... be there advocate but let them learn how to cope as well. Are they having emotions bigger than they can understand? Again... this is part of life, help them to own their emotions and learn to cope with them. It's okay for them to be sad, angry, happy, confused etc. Let them feel what they are feeling......

We think we have to look a certain way.... and if we don't then we are criticizing ourselves because we aren't the right size, hair's not the right way, make-up or not make up is good. Just stop!!!!
Learn to be comfortable in your own skin. Are you healthy????

No, then work on being healthy. Don't worry about the clothing size, weight on the scale or whatever you are using to measure yourself.  Are you able to do the things you love to do? Can you go walk on a gorgeous day? Can you play with your kids without being winded? Can you reach your shoes?  Do your pants fit or are you outgrowing them? 
If not, then work on being more active.... but understand this is a process, health is a continuum. You aren't going to suddenly be healthier without working at it.

Overall... just recognize that you are YOU! No one else can be you. No one can replace you to your kids. You might think you are failing, but honey you aren't.

Be kind to yourself! Give yourself the grace you give to others!  Talk to yourself the way that you would your best friend!

Overall just take a breath! And recognize yourself as the wonderous creature you are~


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