
Showing posts from December, 2010

New Year's Eve.... a look back

2010 has been an interesting year for all of us. I started the year off looking for a job, and ended it one semester into nursing school.  I found out I was iron anemic and spent a day in the hospital getting a blood transfusion, now I go in for iron every two months.  Karah started school in August, and she loves Kindergarten.  Tessa is as tall as me, and thinks she's grown some days. She has been a great helper this year and seems to have come into her own.  Sammie and Karah both started in LEAP this year, so two more gifted kids. It's nice being near family this year, although we still don't have enough time to see them as much as we want. We got to have Noel this summer for a few weeks, and Misty and the boys came up for a visit.  Then we took Noel and our girls and went to Myrtle Beach to visit George and his clan. Nursing School is hard and I count the days till vacation when it's in session but it is so worth it!  I can't wait to finish. Let's s...

Morning Musings

Woke up to a snow covered morning with more falling.  Beautiful day..... Encrusting Crystallized Frozen in a moment unable to move sparkling prisms covering every surface making the ugly new and pretty Hiding the surfaces sharp angles and all Beauty covers and hides Freezing, falling crystals of light. hn
Emotions colliding Flying, screaming Joy, anger Despair wrestling tussling jumping for attention striving for the top for control domination Queen of all till the slide happens and it begins again. hn


I miss writing...  It's been a couple of years since I have really spent any time writing.  I was looking through some of my old poetry today looking for the one I wrote for Mom's memorial service.  I miss writing, the whole process.  I think I need to try and make some time for that in my life... Thank God I love to create things with my hands or my words. Discovery Secrets no more Hiding the truth, leads to lies Pain, hurt, discontent... Who does it help to hide Who does it hurt The price is too high the cost too deep. Truth is pain they say Truth is freedom Being real No lies, no subterfuge just open, honest at all costs. Breathe deep inhale live. hn

Almost Christmas....

and I still have so much sewing to do!  My life events have been consuming my time and energy and Karah is sick (Tessa too).  I'm worried that Karah's junk will turn into Pneumonia again (it sounds kind of like it did last year before the bout with Pneumonia). Yesterday was a strange day...  I am still talking to Charlie, exchanging bits of history getting to know one another and it's nice.  I can see why Mom loved him.  I got a little frustrated last night, because even with exchanging all these bits of info... there will be things I will forget to tell him that don't seem important until he doesn't know (does that even make sense).   G took the news really well, and agreed with me that I should tell the others face to face.  They will need reassurance and the best way to give that to them is to do it face to face. On another weird twist I called my Dad yesterday.  Tessa wanted to talk to him.  It was a brief conversation... I think she j...

Sleepy today

which isn't surprising...  Tessa broke out in hives last night.  She had a small bout of them yesterday during the day which I thought was maybe caused by a bug bite but they went away with Benadryl. I went to bed around 11 and she woke me up at 12... Her whole wrist area on the left was swollen and blanched almost up to her elbow and her right hand had hives all over it too.  I gave her two benadryl and rubbed some caladryl lotion on it.  It took two hours but they went down enough that they weren't itchy and she finally fell asleep. Not an hour later Karah was up not feeling well, she thought she was gonna be sick.  One of those nights... Now it's 7:30 and I'm up drinking coffee.  Heading out to brave the stores today and pick up that last present and some candy.  I'm gearing up for the craziness. I talked to the brother closest to us in age about Charlie last night.  He hadn't ever expressed any anger towards him and I'm not big on secret...

Strange things are happening to me....

sorry, that song is stuck in my head from Toy Story.. So, since none of my brothers read my blog and I don't have to worry about hurt feelings and drama I can say it here.... I found my biological father on FB on Wednesday, I never expected to find him.  I tried once years ago I even paid for a 1800 US Search to find him and didn't.  I got an old address for him that wasn't good but knew he was at least alive. My brother asked me for his name again on Wednesday so I did a quick google search to verify the last name (I was always confusing two names and didn't want to give him the wrong one).  Low and behold it popped up a FB profile for him. I contacted him and instead of telling me to get lost (which is what I kind of expected) he has been very forthcoming.  It seems that he stayed away out of respect for Mom's wishes and that he has always missed us (this goes along with Mom's explanation one of the few times I got her to talk about C).  I am feeling p...

No spin class today

had a minor bout of food poisoning or something last night so I decided not to go.  Ended up being a good thing because schools were canceled due to icy roads (sounds like it's icing again right now). Have some weird but good I think stuff going on right now, but not ready to blog about it.  Too public :) Girls are doing well and we are baking Christmas cookies.  Talked to two of my four brothers today which is always nice.  Now if I can just manage to get all my Christmas sewing done with the girls around will be interesting.

Gingerbread Army

Yes, that really does say that :) I am baking up a Gingerbread Army today.  Sammie needs 20 for LEAP party on Wednesday so I decided to bake enough for all three girls regular classess too.  Once you are making a batch it isn't that big of a deal to triple it.... I say that now. Went to a new class this morning called Hard to Resist... It most certainly was hard.  I got a great work out from it though. Still on track... Still planning that half marathon, have a friend from here who says she will do it, and a friend from KS who says she will meet me there.  We shall see... The van no longer has heat, so I'm gonna have to find the money to pay for a car repair... Fun stuff

7 December 2010

I did spin class again today...  I made it through the whole hour, and still didn't fall off the bike. :)  My friend from nursing school who said she was gonna meet me didn't show.  That's okay though, because had I not planned to meet someone I'm not sure I would have gone.  Really wasn't feeling like going today... so I promptly texted two other friends to meet me at spin.  One came... I also took the time to drive the loop that is our road...  Jim was correct it is longer than I thought.  It is 1/2 mile around.  So... I need to be able to do the loop 26 times by June.  It also means Jim and I ran/walked 2 miles on Saturday morning. Feeling so grateful to God today that I am well enough to start to run, and to exercise and take care of this body he has provided for me.  I just feel so very, very blessed.

Spin Class

Really that does say Spin Class... My lovely friend Christine teaches one and I have been meaning to try it out for awhile.  Today I made it, even though I was stuck in traffic at the gate for 45 min!  She was late too and no one else showed (traffic I'm sure).  So I got to have a mini spin class (only 30 min) for just me to try it out... I DEFINITELY worked up a sweat.... It was fun, I had a good laugh at myself for being uncoordinated (standing up and riding the bike is a little hard).  My bottom is sore, and so are my legs a little... Do I think I will go again... yeah, probably (although we will see how I feel tomorrow).  I think it will be AWHILE before I can do the whole spin class hardcore, but the good thing is you can do your own pace, if it's too hard or whatever you just modify it for yourself. Christine assures me that the soreness down there goes away after about two weeks worth of spinning... again, we will see. God is good...  I feel b...

Nursing School Break...

and I am loving it.  Doing decent on my daily bible reading, not perfect but consistent. Deep cleaned the living room today, all those nooks and crannies and dusting no one else bothers to do.  Decorated the outside railing in front of the house, set up an online calender thing. Now for the crazy, insane part.... I have decided to register for the Hospital Hill Half Marathon in Kansas City in June.  Ever since I had my surgery I have wanted to start running and ultimately run a marathon.  Started training for a 5k about a week before nursing school started.  That was a mistake, no time to set a routine before my schedule went crazy.... Decided since I have the next 6 weeks off school (well nursing school anyway) I have time to establish a habit of running... Tied my shoes on today... and while it was a pathetic run for anyone who runs I'm proud of myself anyway.  Went out for about 15 min total with 30/30 intervals as my plan.  I made it for a...