Spin Class

Really that does say Spin Class... My lovely friend Christine teaches one and I have been meaning to try it out for awhile.  Today I made it, even though I was stuck in traffic at the gate for 45 min!  She was late too and no one else showed (traffic I'm sure).  So I got to have a mini spin class (only 30 min) for just me to try it out...

I DEFINITELY worked up a sweat.... It was fun, I had a good laugh at myself for being uncoordinated (standing up and riding the bike is a little hard).  My bottom is sore, and so are my legs a little...

Do I think I will go again... yeah, probably (although we will see how I feel tomorrow).  I think it will be AWHILE before I can do the whole spin class hardcore, but the good thing is you can do your own pace, if it's too hard or whatever you just modify it for yourself.
Christine assures me that the soreness down there goes away after about two weeks worth of spinning... again, we will see.

God is good...  I feel blessed again today and I'm gonna keep on with my thing.  I need to finish putting up the groceries, finish Tristan's present and then clean the bathrooms.  :)  Hoping that I will have time to start painting the lower half of my living room today but first things first....


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