Engineer Trail...

Today... Jim took me to the engineer trail on post to run.  Holy smokes!  Some killer hills to conquer on it.  The really sucky part was thinking we were done, and realizing we were one ridge away from our car.  So having to run again to get to it... and that was the steepest hill.  But we did it....  Not quite the distance I was aiming for today, but my leg cramped up at the top of that hill so I didn't want to do a second lap.

2.25 miles, 26:40 min, avg pace 12:26, max pace 5:48,  avg speed 4.8 mph, max speed 7.4 mph, 521 feet ascent, 585 ft descent

Gonna go conquer it again the first weekend in April (won't have a chance before then)/


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