Running in different places...

So I'm on vacation and diligently following my training plan anyway...
So far I have ran twice in Texas and once in New Mexico.  The air is different here and much different in New Mexico.  My first little jog in Texas was 3.5 miles and my brother and my husband went with.  I didn't know that Mike hadn't been running in years so I felt a little bad when he was in severe pain later.   He picked the route though so not too bad.  Very hilly, and a little tough but it was good.
Then we went to New Mexico to meet my biological Dad (which went well for those that are wondering)...
I went for a 3.5 mile run there and wow the air was THIN!  I was sucking wind after about one half a mile but I just kept going... It was kind of funny, I was calling my brother to bring water outside to me.  But I was in the yard by the time he got outside.
Then I went for another 3 mile run today back in Texas...  We ran the route we ran last time backwards, and the steep hill almost killed me.  Lead legs and no oxygen when I was 3/4 of the way up it... I ended up having to walk that last little bit of it.  Started back into jogging at the top though.   I started to walk at 3 miles since I was sore from riding in the car back from New Mexico and didnt' want to injure myself.  Two more runs this week... Another 3.5 and then my long run this week should be 4.5


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