Tired today....

But still training....  I went for a 3 mile run today.  Not including the warm up or cool down of course.  I managed to do over half of it at a 11:30 pace.
Then I went to Hard to Resist and managed to make it through the class... It was tough today to make it through the class...

After doing some research on my knee pain I think the problem there is a weakness in my quads, so I'm going to work on building them up.
The toe burning, I think is just something I need to work through.  I researched it, and it is one of two things.  One of them is more severe, but that burning pain doesn't go away right after they stop running like mine does.  The other comments about it said they just rain through it and it went away.  Like my issue as soon as she stops running for the day the pain stopped.  She said it only happened as she increased the distance (which matches up with mine)...

Well... I'm going to go hop in the shower and then take a nap to try and beat this sinus infection.  Then off to school


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