Best 4 mile to date

Today was an interesting run...  I forgot my walkman, so no music.  I went outside that way if I wanted to quit, it was pointless to do so (have to get back home somehow!).  I did NOT make my distance yesterday when I ran on the treadmill.  I had forgotten to eat all day (no hunger, no eat... ) so I got dizzy at about 2 miles and quit.

Today I felt like I was sucking wind when I started out.  I felt discouraged and like I wasn't doing all that well.  I would not let myself quit though... I can't quit on my training runs when the race is only two months away.  I just kept going, reminding myself that i needed to keep going.

I went out till I hit 2.5 (yes further than I needed)... then turned around and headed back.  There are some pretty steep hills out there.  On the route today the grade was 40% at one point.
When I hit 4 miles I switched to walking (figured that would be a nice cool down).  I was at 46 minutes.  That is my best time to date for a four mile...  :)  So even though I thought I was sucking wind, I was actually doing really well....


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